26 July 2024

Moments 07 24 :: Week 04

We spent last weekend working around the house. We ended one of the evenings with a bonfire and s'mores. Love looking back at our house from that spot. 

Van Duke being a good boy and not getting too close. 

After wedding dress shopping with Emma, I started looking through some of my photos. I remember going to three shops ranging from high end to off the rack (I ended up going for a dress in the middle), but couldn't remember much more than that. Funny enough, look who was with me. Mel! Don't worry, she didn't remember either. We got a big laugh out of it to be honest. 

Cole spent the weekend in Iowa with Zoe and her family, and brought these home for us. Almond and puff pastry. The kid knows the way to win my heart. 

Finally finished another book. I was on a roll, but this one took forever. It's about the AIDS epidemic in the 80s. It's set right before my time in Chicago, but I have friends who were in it and have stories to tell.  I liked it, but found it a little boring. 

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