To kick off the New Year, Cole, Brian and I met some friends to do the Polar Bear Plunge.
Hudson was in NYC, so it was the three of us. Our friend Aaron and friends spend the day before building a bonfire, and even erected this structure, which you run through on your way to the water. (They take it all down later.)
Cole and Brian have both done it before, but it was my first Midwestern Polar Bear Plunge. Quite the turnout.
I did it! Even submerged my head and got my hair wet. From what I hear, I picked a good year for my inaugural plunge. It was in the 30s outside, and the water was 41 degrees with no ice. I'll take it.
I rarely take decent photos while working out. Finally one isn't terrible.
The other big event of the week, is this guy got his first tattoo.
We've been talking about getting a family tattoo for awhile. He's been waiting patiently since turning 18, and finally the time came.
We went to a place near Oak Park that our friends have all gone to. Cole and I also got arrows, which is something most of the friend group has done in the past few months. I think 10 out of the 16 of us have them now. We each designed our own. So fun.
In case you were wondering, Hudson did not get any tattoos. He may never, which I completely understand. No tattoos is super cool too.