26 June 2023

Cole's Graduation Party


What a perfect day. From the weather to the family and friends who came to celebrate Cole, we couldn't have asked for a better day. In honor of Cole moving to Chicagoland, we had Italian beef and Chicago Mix popcorn (cheese & caramel).  Another big hit were Pete's Pops. You just can't go wrong with popcycles on a hot day. Especially Pete's. Honestly, it was just so special having so many of the people who have been such a huge part of Cole's life there. We all feel extremely grateful.

(Unfortunately, I didn't get around to taking many photos, so these are mainly ones that were sent to me by friends. Thank goodness for them. We also had a couple disposable cameras laying around, so I'm sure there will some good ones there. Still, none of Brian and I, or Hudson, with the graduate. At least that I can remember.)

23 June 2023

Moments 06 23 :: Week 04

Cole's friend took this photo of him and I love it. 

Cole, Zoë and I went to the Bavarian USL 2 game on Friday. Couldn't resist taking their photo in this. They are so funny.

Picked up supplies at Glorioso's for Father's Day lunch. We are so lucky to have this place. 

I tried to be fancy with portrait mode so Brian is blurry, but here's a photo of father & son on Father's Day.

Christie reserved a pontoon boat and I made lunch. Jacob and his girlfriend were also in town. It was a gorgeous, perfect day.

Had a new visitor this week. I cannot say I'm too happy about it. A groundhog! Gretel found it, actually. Poor thing was chased under our grill. When Cole and I lifted it out, it ran and tried to hide in a window well. The dogs were not happy to be cooped up inside while all of this commotion was going on. It took awhile to leave, but finally scurried to our neighbors. 

The mighty hunter. Smells that something was just there. 

Hudson is home! He was supposed to be here almost a week, but can only stay a few days unfortunately. I love getting to see him as much as we have been lately. The dogs feel the same way. 

16 June 2023

Moments 06 23 :: Week 03

The old lady still climbing furniture to stalk the squirrels.

Cole had college orientation this week. This is the building he'll be living in next year.

A very Milwaukee photo.

Brian and I very rarely go on date nights, but when I heard about this new restaurant that opened, I knew we had to get there as soon as possible. We started with delicious oysters, clams and shrimp. 

Even spoiled ourselves with some caviar and mochi donuts. 

More yummy eats. We also had a beet salad, mushroom porridge, and Basque cheesecake. It was a really nice evening.

09 June 2023

Moments 06 23 :: Week 02

The big, exciting news of the past week was Cole's graduation from high school! 

It was held at the Milwaukee Panther arena. I thought it would be a tearful event, but not at all. It was happy and exciting. It's been a weird four years, that's for sure. Covid messed with most of it. And it ended with the school being torn apart for remodeling the past few weeks. 

Hudson came into town too. 

Cole and his besties with their favorite teacher. Art Metal. She's so great. 

Zoe came to graduation too. Hers is this weekend. 

Nina and Papa were there to celebrate. 

So was Grandma Joan. We all had a low-key dinner at our house afterwards. 

The 2023 Nicolet High School Graduate. 

The other cool thing that happened this week is I PRed my deadlift. 305# whoot whoot!

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 2.03.43 PM
Remember that favorite teacher? Look at this nice post she made post-graduation. I'm so glad Cole had teachers that made such a difference in life. 

02 June 2023

Moments 06 23 :: Week 01

Oh my gosh, it's been such a fun week again! Started with a visit to the pizza truck at SCOUT with Cole and Zoe, then the USL2 soccer game at Bavarian. 

Saturday was spent working around the house. Including cleaning up the porch and hanging up some new lights. It's looking amazing.

Sunday was the final games of the Premier League games. Leif & Melissa hosted a little viewing party, and since we didn't have anything going, we were able to make it. Yay! New almost empty nesters. Of course, Cole came with too, and we loved that Finn surprised his mom and was there too. It was so great.

We were even treated to a full on English Breakfast. Delicious.

There were multiple games playing on multiple devices (they all play at one time). Featured on the big screen was the Leeds match. Wanted to watch them get relegated. 

You can take the boys out of Racine, but you can't take Racine out of the boys. 

These two. What a love connection.

On Monday, I decided last minute to do Murph at home. We are usually at soccer matches, so it's only the third time ever I've done it. Murph is a CrossFit workout of 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats and a 1 mile run. I was slow and scaled, but did it. Then I was exhausted, so took some time to finish this great book.

Our new spider plant. I'm obsessed with all of those little babies hanging from it. 

Look what we found posted in our yard! Cannot believe this time is actually here. 

Brian and I rode our bikes down to the Lake. It just blows me away by it's beauty. Every time.

Last day of high school! What an exciting time for him and his friends. 

A walk down memory lane. First day of 1st grade - first photo on these steps.

First day of school ever. West Suburban Montessori in Oak Park. Fitting that he's eating. His senior quote in the yearbook was "If you are gonna be late you might as well go grab some breakfast and make it worth it." Yep. I guess he stopped for a donut on his way in almost every day. No wonder he had so many tardy notices. 

Cole's last day was Wednesday, but Zoe's school ended on Friday, which happened to be also be her 18th birthday. After she went to the Senior Sunrise, she stopped by and Cole made her a pancake breakfast. They are the cutest.