15 October 2021

Moments 10 21 :: Week 03

Cole had a soccer game in Mukwonago on Saturday. On the way home, we swung by Lee's. Please tell me how you can even pass up a dipped cone from a place like this? You can't! 

We took Van to check out a lot (it's under contract - like everything lately). He lost his mind at all the sheep!

This little guy was having problems flying and hung out in our yard for a bit. I had to relocate him to the woods so the dogs would get him. Couldn't find him the next day, so I'm hoping he flew away and a coyote didn't get him. Eeek. 

First movie in ages! Brian and I snuck out to see the new James Bond flick. 

Had an intimate team meeting with the founder of Beautycounter this week. So glad I was able to make it happen! It was really great.

I don't like to play favorites, but.... this is Mouse, and he's the best gym dog out there. 

I always order school photos, and absolutely love them. We had to skip last year since they took selfies (I did order his soccer picture though). Can't believe he'll be getting senior pictures next year!

It was senior night at the soccer game. We'll be losing 10 players. And again, can't believe my guy will be senior himself next year instead of holding the "O."

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