Last weekend, we headed to St. Louis to visit Hudson. Brian hadn't been there since drop-off, and Cole hadn't been there since they went to tour it again in June. We are all pretty obsessed with this city. One thing Hudson wanted to do was visit the
Soulard Farmer's Market. We had gone there when we visited for Spring Break a few years ago. It was definitely pumping.
We also went to Balken Treat Box again, and walked Cherokee Street. Found a great brewery for a quick stop.
I don't really think we look a ton alike, but sure do in this photo!
We also went to a Billiken soccer game. They won again -- ranked 12th in the nation, or something crazy like that, at the moment. This is the best (and only) photo I took. Ha!
Sunday we went to
Beast BBQ. The boys and Brian had gone here before, but it was a first for me.

Um.... yes, it was delicious. The pork steak was ridiculous.
The four of us. Only photo we got. My gosh, I love it when we are all together. In other good news, Hudson is doing really well and finding his groove. In fact, after spending a weekend in a hotel with us, I have a feeling he was ready for us to leave.
My friend Carol celebrated her birthday on Tuesday. After our workout, we went out for coffee (and, I made a
Coffee Cake). Next thing I know, we decided to stop in at the wine bar just up the block (I do some bookkeeping for them - very fun). Before you know it, we were all taking a seat at the bar and having a glass of wine. At 11:30am. In our sweaty workout clothes. They headed to a shop afterwards - I decided I better go. And then, a couple of them went to lunch! Such a fun, unexpected day. We all loved it so much. Especially Carol.
Cole's Environmental Science class is paired with a PE class called Outdoor Pursuits. It's a year long class, and they do really fun stuff. Lately, they have been riding their bikes. On one particular stop, Cole ended up catching a fish. With his hands. I'm so glad this is documented. It's pretty hilarious. Only he would do something like that.
In other exciting news, Hudson has been flying a ton this week! He had a long-distance night flight and flew to Evansville, IN. Then he had another long-distance, and flew somewhere in Illinois. Yesterday, he did his first solo (at night nonetheless) in the new to him plane. He always sends his plane number so we can listen to the control tower if we want. It's so cool. I was a little nervous about yesterday though. It doesn't help that he told us he's been struggling with landings. Right? Anyhow, he called afterwards, and was just beyond excited. He said it was absolutely amazing. That makes me very happy.