Our friend Stephanie & Aaron rent a pontoon boat every year during the Air & Water Show, and invited us. This is the second time we've gotten to go with them.
The Air & Water Show is cancelled this year, but we still took the boat out. It was such a hot day. We even got in the water.
The captain & Brian.
Van's favorite thing to steal (besides everyone's shoes) is a shower poof from the boy's shower. Thankfully he's still super cute.
Cole went to his first soccer ID camp! He left on Sunday and my mom and I picked him up on Tuesday.
He absolutely loved it!
At the end of the week, he had another soccer ID camp. This one is a bunch of coaches, and one we signed up for awhile before at lot of the colleges were announcing theirs. He's having fun, but it's a different experience than the actual college one. Anyhow, originally we planned on driving back and forth, but we decided to get a hotel instead. I'm glad we did. It's been so great. Something I'd never do, even a couple years ago, was go into the hotel gym. Had such a great time doing a few workouts this morning.
In the afternoon, I met with up these two for lunch and a visit to a new Thai bakery. Enjoyed an I-tim-ka-ti — Thai coconut milk ice cream with sticky rice, palm seed and peanuts and came back with tons of sweets. So good.
Hudson had a busy week too. He spent Sunday - Wednesday camping out at the EAA and volunteering. He had a big day of work on Thursday, then he and Brian went back up to be spectators. A week of airplanes. He's loving it.