04 June 2021

Moments 06 21 :: Week 01

We found a nest! Or should I say, Gretel found a nest! So far the eggs are still there, but she sure is enjoying harassing the mama bird.

State Cup was last weekend. I feel like I'm finally recovering. Not how we were hoping it would turn out. Lots of disappointment on many levels. It ended, however, with a goal from C against the team that won the bracket. The only goal his team scored that game. It was a beautiful one too. 

We found out friends from Austria were in town, so after a long weekend, drove down to Gurnee to see them. It's been YEARS since I've seen Kim and it felt so great.

The boys. My gosh I wish they lived closer.

Van Doofie, as I like to call him this week, at 20 weeks old. Still a couple accidents, especially when he's excited. He's like a toddler who's having too much fun playing and forgets his has to pee. He's losing his baby teeth. I keep finding them on the floor. He's also a huge snuggle bug. I guess we'll keep him.

Brian built a fire pit! I foresee many an evening spent out here this summer.

What it really looks like having two dogs. They are always wrestling. Poor Gretel just wants to sleep sometimes. But don't be fooled, she is the instigator many times.

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