Last Friday night was the Homecoming football game! Nicolet had been doing really well this year, and this was a big game. Unfortunately, they lost. Such a bummer. I met up with some friends there, and Brian stopped by on his way home from Santa Barbara.

These guys, headed out to the Homecoming dance. The theme for the Seniors was Vintage Hollywood. They all decided to go as greasers. That's easy enough. In other exciting news, I finally know how to bow a bowtie, without consulting a YouTube video.

C went with a big group. They started out with dinner at Belair.

Afterwards, they went to one of the girl's homes for an afterparty. C had such a great time. Yay!

H went with a group of friends too. I'm just happy they stopped by! A couple of them play soccer and were in a tournament, so plans were a little last minute. H ended up picking them all up, going to Kopp's and bringing it to our house to eat. Afterwards, they spent the night at their friends house. He had a great time too.

Beautycounter holiday collection launched this week. It's my absolute favorite time of the year.

The boys were off of school on Wednesday. H had a flight and met up with friends playing laser tag. So per usual, we didn't see him. C had a haircut, so we stopped by and had a coffee and smoothie afterwards. Love the German signs hanging up there.