This summer, C was invited to try out for the Wisconsin Fire -- a program affiliated with the Chicago Fire. After two tryouts, he was thrilled to make the team. Seriously, I've never seen him more excited about something. As part of the program, they get to spend a morning at Toyota Park. They had sessions about soccer tactics, health and played a game against another one of the Fire teams which ended in a tie (0-0). He loved it.

Thanksgiving morning, C & Brian headed over to the soccer club for a little pick-up soccer action. H opted to stay home. He's on the high school swim team, and between that and club soccer, he's wiped out. Anyhow, C & Brian had a blast. Even if Brian is a little bit (ok, a lot) sore.

I started my Thanksgiving at CrossFit with a partner WOD. Typically, there were four people on a team, and one got to rest a bit. I somehow ended up on a team of three, which meant no rest for me. It was fun though, and a great way to start the day. I'm thankful for so many things, but one is definitely this community of people who push me every day in so many ways.

Thanksgiving was spent in Racine at my mother-in-law's house. It was so good, and so relaxing. Our nephew is home for the holiday and brought five of his soccer teammates home with him. We had Scotland, England, the Netherlands and New Zealand represented. Texas too. It was a great day.

Per tradition, on Friday we went and picked out our Christmas tree. Before we did that though, we had to say hello to the chickens that live on the farm. This place is so magical. We went over to my mom & dad's for lunch, then my cousin and his family who are in town from Texas stopped by for a quick visit before we had to part ways. H had a swim meet and C had a soccer game. The soccer boys came and cheered him for that, which kind of made his day. Needless to say, the tree hasn't made it even into the house yet. Thankfully, we have all weekend.

H's very first event at his very first swim meet -- the 50m freestyle. It was an alumni swim meet, so nothing serious and great way to get a feel of what the meets are all about. There were only two people in this particular race (and he came in first). He also raced the 50m butterfly and got disqualified for his kick. He did it though! Not bad for never even attempting that stroke until this past week. Lastly, he raced the 400m freestyle relay. Good stuff. For the past two weeks, he's been swimming 2.5 hours after school every day, and 3 hours starting at 8am on Saturdays. It's grueling, and he's never swam competitively in his life. We are so proud of him.