It was another wonderful Easter for the books. Easter is still C's favorite holiday. Plus, it tends to fall around H's birthday, so he often gets a little birthday celebration thrown in the mix. The day itself was pretty miserable outside -- rainy and gloomy. No matter. We weren't going to let a little bad weather ruin the day. The Easter bunny came in the morning. Then we spent the rest of the morning getting ready for our family to come! It was the standard crew -- Brian's mom, sister and her family, my sister and her family and my cousin and his family (my parents are still in Florida). We spent the afternoon eating and catching up. We were even able to have another (indoor) egg hunt. For dinner, we stuck with a traditional spiral ham, and everyone pitched in by bringing a dish. It turned out perfect. I'm still stuffed! My mother-in-law also offered to pick up a Danish layer birthday cake from O & H, complete with the cutest frosting Easter bunny on it. He may be turning 14, but it really made his day. He absolutely loved it and has been talking about how nice it was. So that was it! Another great Easter.