Finally, Gretel got spayed. And microchipped. It actually happened and I cannot believe it! It only took 4 rounds of appointment setting and canceling to get there. We thought she was going to be spending the night, but we were able to get her. She was totally groggy and sleepy. It was kind of nice. We've been needing to walk her on a leash and not let her run around this week. Needless to say, she has spent a lot of time in her crate. Poor thing just doesn't know how to slow down.

Brian and H wanted to go skiing. C has never been a big fan, but decided to give it another try. I'm so glad he did. He completely loves it. And now, he's bummed out that he didn't sign up for ski club with his brother. Oh well. He's got three more years.

Brian and I had a 4-hour pass that expired, but the boys kept going out so they could ski under the lights. It was really cold out, but such a great day.

Thanks to
YouTube, C discovered giant gummy things and has been obsessed with them. He bought himself a
vanilla cola bottle around the holidays, and was crushed when it was delivered but had Red 40 in it (Red 40 makes him throw up). He gave it to his brother, then ordered the Root Beer one, which doesn't have Red 40 in it. Wednesday was a short day, and they celebrated by finally being able to bust open the obnoxious confections. I mean, seriously, look at those things! They have been good about rationing them, thank goodness.