The boys have off today for teacher conferences, and had a half day yesterday. Brian and I got to meet with all of their teachers yesterday, which is always interesting and amusing to me. C is doing well, and really working with confidence and independently which is just so awesome. He loves math and science -- although the teacher thought the reason he loved science so much is because of his partner (a girl, of course). I don't know why, but I tend to leave his conferences a bit frustrated and overwhelmed. C's still in speech therapy, and struggles greatly with reading. He's got an incredible support network who's only interest is getting him where he needs to be. I truly adore them all, but sometimes, I just kind of feel crushed down. Like we're supposed to be doing something more for him, and like most people I know, I'm just doing the best I can. I don't know -- I guess when it comes down to it, I just hate seeing him struggle. But that being said, he absolutely loves school, and works extremely hard. He's a pretty special guy.
We showed to to H's school, and the power was out, so that was an interesting way to start conferences. He is absolutely thriving in middle school, and I'm so so so very proud of him. It seems like just yesterday we were dealing with a child who cried every day at drop off in the morning, and things couldn't be more different now. I know a lot of it is maturity, but I can't even tell you what a relief it is. His teachers all said he's a joy to have in class, he likes all of his teachers, his grades are really good (besides Spanish, but we're working on that), he manages his time well, he's confident and just having a great time. Middle school ... who would have thunk? After we were done speaking with H's math teacher, she handed us all "Parent Survival Kits," which is so adorable if you ask me. Here's what was in it:
Rubberband - to remind you that kids are pulled in all directions by friends and peers.
Penny - we are all different, but of equal value.
Pencil - don't spend all of your "quality time" with your child on school work. Do things together.
Comic Strip - have a good laugh with your child each day and see the humor in life.
Eraser - nobody's perfect; it's ok to make mistakes while learning.
Piece of kite string - your child is ready to reach out beyond home, explore possibilities; give them room to explore; let them go, but hang on to the end of the string.
"Smarties" candy - everyone is a "smartie" in some way.
Birthday candle - celebrate with your child all achievements however great or small.
Small piece of sponge - kids are like sponges and will absorb whatever they are exposed to. Model the behavior we want our child to absorb.
Smiley face - each child is great and needs to feel good about themselves. Please help them realize what a super person they really are.
Free hug coupon - all kids need to feel loved, show your child affection, give them a huge.
Good little lessons to keep in mind. For sure.