We left our house bright and early for Detroit, Michigan last Friday. The address we put in our GPS was this.
Bon Bon Bon chocolates. We've been enjoying these chocolates for years, and were excited to actually get to visit one of their stores.
It's just such a fun place, and the chocolates are delicious.
It happened to be in a pretty cool area with some amazing stores.
Of course we had to go to
Third Man Records. Wish we could have fit a factory tour of the record pressing in. So cool.
We had a later lunch at a pizza at Motor City Brewing Works, which was right across the street from the chocolate shop and record store. I don't want to forget about this one. It's the Mary Did Have, which is olive oil, fresh ground lamb roasted with garlic, mint, pine nuts; feta cheese, tomatoes and Zatar spice. Topped with labne kiefer cheese and fresh cucumber. So good.
The reason for our quick visit -- Brian's cousin Kristen got married in April and had a big wedding celebration.
The venue was cool. The flowers were beautiful.

Back to the party. They had a fun photo booth. Of course we had to utilize it. These were also the photos they used in a book for the bride and groom.
The bride and groom giving a little speech.
This weekend was also the Michigan vs. Michigan State football game. Kristen is a doctor on staff at University of Michigan. Her husband Andrew went to Michigan State. As a gift to him, she got the mascot from Michigan State come. So funny.
Very blurry photo, but here we are. Kristen is also expecting their first baby. Such an exciting time for them. I've known her since she was 9 years old. Crazy.
View from our hotel room. We were supposed to leave on Thursday, but Brian had to travel this week and miss a class so couldn't miss any others. (He's teaching at MIAD). We had to leave early on Saturday too. Bummer. I was really looking forward to exploring Detroit. We'll have to go back some day.
On our way back, we stopped in Ann Arbor to check out the stadium. We also got coffee in this cute little corridor. It was early so still very quiet. I'm sure just a few hours later this town was insane.
The reason we left early was to catch this guy's soccer game. Love the graphic his friend Joris put together to announce the game.
His cousin Jacob even came! Thankfully Cole started and played quite a bit of the game. He had to be taken out due to his knee giving him trouble. Too bad because he was playing amazing. The team ended up losing 0-1, but it was a gorgeous day for some soccer.
We were able to take Cole and Zoe out for dinner before we left too. It was a busy, but very fun couple of days.
Look what I found on one of my walks with Van this week. You would think we'd see more deer than we do. They are so cute.
Also coming across a bunch of turkeys too. This yard had 15 of them in it.
We also made it down to the lake one of the days. The weather has been so warm. In fact, it was in the 70s on this day. I even got to wear my new tshirt. :)
I made up a little challenge for the gym last month. Plank every day for 30 seconds. Each week I added 15 seconds on. There were plenty of weeks I didn't think I'd be able to do it. But by the end, the 1 minute 30 seconds was completely fine. I only missed one day because it was the weekend and I completely forgot. Yay me!