So many leaves! Our leaves are always the latest to fall. Fortunately, the landscapers came, but now there are more again.
Hudson got home Monday. Cole on Tuesday. Love having both our guys home.
Cole played the Nicolet HS alumni soccer game.
The next day, Cole, Hudson & Brian all played the Turkey Bowl at Bavarians. So fun.
Thanksgiving was spent in Oak Park this year. The whole gang was here. So special, especially considering these are the states where the 16 of us comes from to gather: Wisconsin, Illinois, Arizona, Minnesota, Missouri, Louisiana, and New York.

This is what it's all about.

Mel always makes everything so special. Just look at that tablescape.
So much great food too.
I thought I was being good, but next thing you know, this is what my plate looked like.
All of us.
And another.
My gosh, these kids are all so cute. We are all so crazy proud of all of them. They such special people.
We spent the night at The Frigs, and were able to watch one movie for Leftover Day. Thankfully, it was Barbie, which I've been wanting to see for awhile. So much fun. The tradition started when the kids were little. It's so fun seeing these adults all piled around still. By the way, do you like our shirts? We all have them. Such a fun traditon.
My people. Love these ladies -- and feel so lucky whenever we are together.