One last photo of Florida that my mom sent. The back story of this is, a nice older gentleman asked to take our photo for us, so we said sure. He probably took 20 of them, and maybe 2 had us all in it? The frame was all over the place. Then he dropped the phone (on the pier - close to water) and told us he just suffered a stroke. Needless to say, we did let him continue to finish the task because you could tell how much he wanted to do it. But now that you know the story, take a look at our faces. I can only imagine what was going through our minds. LOL. I still love it.
Well, well, well! Look who made the Dean's List last semester. 3.7 or above. I'm blown away.
I guess this a thing now. Went on my third hunt ever (I just hang out and walk).
We went with our friends and their dog trainer. All these little guys are around 1 year old! So cute. And yes that is a random pheasant wing in Van's mouth.
February 1. I'm into it. According to my acupuncturist (who sent this), Water Tiger comes from the Tiger's five elements (Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth). 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger, which indicates a prosperous year based on the Tiger's favorable signs such as strength & bravery.
Gretel has the right idea. Back to her favorite place.
Our friends Leif & Melissa celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this week, and celebrated by opening a time capsule they made. I can't wait to see it all, but there was a handmade card by me in there, and the note to Leif concluded with Melissa saying she had to go because we were coming for dinner. Love that we we've all continued to grow up together. It's such a special thing. Melissa sent this photo to me too. Such babies!
It's been a minute since I've done a rowing challenge. Didn't go too ambitious - aimed for 2K every day I could. Rode every day I was home (i.e. not in St. Louis or Florida), and ended up with just short of 50K meters.