After years of prepping and months of anticipating, we moved H to college this week. We woke up bright and early Thursday and made our way to Kalamazoo. First stop was a COVID test, then it was time to move in. His roommate had slot earlier that day, so was already set up and waiting for him. And his roommate was able to get in earlier that week to drop some things off so lofted their beds. We only had 90 minutes, so it was huge. We did all we could, then it was time to let them be. Since it was my first time on campus, we drove out to the airport, which is pretty incredible. I can see why H picked Western Michigan to pursue Aviation. That night Brian, C and I went to Hopcat for dinner. So many places are closed yet, but it was perfect. I was exhausted, and ending up falling asleep by 10pm, which is crazy earlier for me, especially since Michigan is an hour ahead!
The next day we grabbed breakfast then went to Target and the hardware store for a few quick things. We had one more quick visit with H to drop everything off and got to peek in at their room. They finished most everything yesterday which was amazing, and were spending the day doing their virtual welcome. We said our goodbyes (again) then Brian, C and I walked around campus before heading back. We are home now, and it seems extra quiet here. This is going to take some getting used to. I already miss him like crazy. I know in my heart it was time for him to leave -- it's just hard. This is such a crazy time to be heading off to college. So much is still uncertain. I just hope they have a safe, healthy, and incredible semester. Only a few months until he'll be home again. Hopefully.