It was a gorgeous weekend. So lucky to this basically in our back yard.

Brian and I told the boys we were going on a little walk. 1.5 hours later....

Moss covered rock wall. Amazing!

After the long walk, this one decided to take a nap on me. What is one to do but agree to it?

On Monday we took a field trip.

The Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary is usually accessible for walking and golf carts, but they have opened it up to cars. Took about 1.5 hours to drive through.

We had never been before. It was cute!

We drove around with our windows rolled down, and got to visit with the animals.

A white buffalo!

The boys thought this bear looked like Storm. They aren't wrong.

Don't mind his hair, haha! The PTSO put these in all the seniors yards. Super cute. Also made me super sad for some reason. This whole thing sucks.

H had taken to making bowties on all the toilet paper rolls. Makes me laugh.