Saturday, Nicolet hosted the regional basketball game -- and won! So exciting for the school and players. They also played Sectional Semi-Finals against Whitefish Bay on Thursday. Unfortunately, it was only open to immediate family, but we were able to stream it. They won, and were scheduled to play again Saturday. Thanks to this crazy week, however, basketball is done. No more. They were on the road to another State victory for sure. P.S. See my boys in their red shirts? :)

C could not wait for basketball season to be over. I'm glad he tried it, but I'd be very surprised if he tried out again. I always got a kick out of seeing his name on the roster, however. There's definitely some names to watch on that varsity roster.

The week started with daylight savings starting, which always throws things off, and got worse and worse. It sucked. Trying to take a moment to soak in the little things during this Coronavirus, like amazing sunsets.

I was in pretty good spirits --until I hit the stores this week. The first one to make me crazy was Costco. I still don't understand why toilet paper is the first thing people decided was a huge necessity. That's why we went to Costco. We were close to being out, so I ran over to Target, who fortunately had some. The odd thing about Costco was all the paper towel people were grabbing as well. I don't get it. I sure hope people bought plungers as well. The next day I went to Trader Joe's. This was the pasta aisle. All I could think about was how I'd be grabbing protein shakes and canned fish instead of pasta. But that's just me, I guess. And fortunately, I have a really bad habit of buying too much food anyway, so we are set.

Me. Taken yesterday to show off my
b. fearless lipstick color, one of three limited edition lipsticks for Beautycounter's 7th anniversary. It's true -- I love the color. But I can also see a lot of nervousness in this photo. Yesterday felt extremely scary to me. The good news is, my niece is home from Europe, where she was studying abroad for the semester. But there have been so many last minute cancelations, and so many questions, like, will there be a high school graduation for my senior? The potential loss of so many memories is making me terribly sad. I wake up every morning and think this all has to be a bad dream. But it's not. I hate this. Yesterday it was the basketball game canceled. Today it's everything else. Including a showcase soccer tournament C was supposed to play in in Virginia (no surprise there) and school -- for the next 4 weeks. Class assignments are getting moved online, and I know H should be fine, but I'm worried I won't be able to provide or guide C through the instruction and support he needs. I worry about the community and jobs and the economy. I'm mad our 1-year old dishwasher is broken and the repair guy who was out today couldn't fix it, especially since we will all be home a lot. I know these feelings are something I'm really going to have to work hard on in the coming weeks. Everything is so scary! I'm probably going to take advantage of the gift of a slower pace of life for a couple days, then take advantage of the situation and start organizing my house. I've wanted to do that forever -- and now seems like a pretty good time I'd say. Maybe we'll even work on the puzzle we started on New Year's Eve and never finished. All I know, is as long as I have my family around, I'll be alright.