She's just so funny. And happy, it seems.

The second book of the year that I read.

C decided to whip up some hand pies over the weekend. Made his own fillings and everything. Not bad.

It was the swim banquet on Wednesday. Can't believe this is the last one.

The coaches and the seniors. Such a great group of guys.

If it weren't for the coach, Bill, being the study hall teacher, H never would have never even thought about the swim team. It's turned out to be the best thing ever. H started without ever really swimming, and basically had to be taught everything. Since day one, the assistant coach taken him under his wing. This is the first year she hasn't coached him for at least part of it. She's amazing. This photo of H and her cracks me up. Freshman year (he won Most Improved) and senior year. Crazy.

H went out with a bang, and was voted by the team as one of the captains. There's usually two, but this year, there was a tie. Here they are! Seriously, each one of these guys brought something important and different to the team.

As a grand finale, H was awarded the Wayde Mulhern Leader by Example Award, an amazing honor. So absolutely proud of this guy.