Hosted my annual Beautycounter pop-up. Always such a great excuse to share the products I love and spend some time with my friends.

Sleepy. Look at how gray my little girl is getting.

Sunrises like these are the best part about the colder mornings.

Swim season started! Cannot believe it's his final year. This sport has really been wonderful for him. Who would have thought? He dominated every event he swam, and was so much fun to watch him shine. It's going to be a great season.

Thanksgiving morning, three of the P4 went to CrossFit! I love doing stuff like this together. Our workout was teams of 4, so it was the three of us and another one of our amazing members. It was a long WOD, that took almost 1.5 hours! Such a great way to start the day.

Out and about, and saw these gorgeous flowers. What a beautiful display.