First his driver's license, and now this. Not officially his but a new-old third family car. He wasn't quite as excited about it. It's manual, and he needs to learn how to drive it. But I'm sure having fun zipping around in it.

It was a snowy weekend. All soccer games were cancelled. We may have watched a few cooking shows.

More snow. I tried to embrace it because it really is quite pretty. But c'mon! It's April. Soccer practices were canceled all week. Soccer games again too. It's nice, but I know the next few months are going to be even crazier because of it.

The cutest, chubbiest, fluffiest little bird had been taking refuge in our porch. The dogs absolutely loved that.

Brian was in LA for the week and came home with these! Technically, they are for the boys. But Swedish candies are a weakness. I moved them far, far away from me, that's for sure.