21 March 2025

Moments 03 25 :: Week 03

It was the last week of the CrossFit Open. Evening wear and a guacamole contest. Don't most of us look like a train wreck? So funny. I'm happy to report, however, that my guacamole won! In my 10 years of doing CrossFit, this was probably the most fun I've ever had doing the Open. 

Meanwhile, Cole arrived home, to Naperville, after a wonderful time in Rome. He was visiting Zoe, who is studying abroad this semester. They had such a great time. I cannot wait to see all the photos and hear all about it.

And then Hudson sent this incredible photo from the Longhorn Steakhouse in Orlando. He finished his first week of training for the new airplane he'll be flying. These are his classmates. I love it. This week was SIM training, and he only worked with the guy on the right. Needless to say, I think he's ready to be done. Can you imagine hanging out in a hotel doing intensive training for 2.5 weeks? Yikes. It's almost over though, and he's crushing it. 

On Saturday, Brian and I went out to Avil to celebrate his birthday. It was fun to have a little date night. 

His actual birthday (54) was on Monday. We had our standard Irish fare. He's had it every year of his life but one when he was in Taipei,

I also made a Chocolate Olive Oil cake. It took a few days, but yes, we did polish this whole thing off. 

Van is such a goof! Why is he so cute? Little Gretel got scared of some thunder so had to get some super snuggles. Van wasn't sure what was going on or what to do. 

Took a walk to the lake on the first day of Spring. The water is getting higher, so my little path along the beach is going to go away soon. 

Love Lake Michigan rocks.

Me and my little buddy. Brian was in Iowa for work. Gretel was chilling at home. 

14 March 2025

Moments 03 25 :: Week 02

The CrossFit Open 25.2. Our gym had come as what you wanted to be when you grew up. Mine was a veterinarian. I also wanted to be a flgiht attendant. But I could only choose one. So funny. 

Amy, Penny & Chris came to town! Leif and Mel invited us to see Every Brilliant Thing. It was fantastic. And we were spoiled by seeing each other two weekends in a row. We met up for brunch at Tupelo Honey on Sunday too. 

I had chicken and waffles. Cannot go wrong. It was so good. What is it about that combo?

Afterwards, Brian and I stopped at the Milwaukee Art Musuem to renew our membership. This installation is called "Meadow" by the Netherlands-based artist duo DRIFT.

Finished another book. This book touches on some deep feelings and thoughts, but is also sweet and romantic. Maybe it's the heaviness of the world righ tnow, but this is exactly the type of read I'm craving at the moment. 

My view of Van last night. He has a new spot under our covers that pushes me to the middle of our tiny bed. So cozy. 

07 March 2025

Moments 03 25 :: Week 01

The 2025 CrossFit Open has begun. I've only officially taken it on twice throughout the past decade I've been doing CrossFit. It's not my thing. But I always do the workouts, and am so excited about our gym's intramural open. Last week was Pajama Jam. 

Brian was in NYC all week, and I miss my kids, so Cole got a visit from Mom. After driving by for a couple years now, and always seeing the parking lot packed, we decided to try out MingHin. Oh my gosh, the dim sum was so good. We both loved it.

Quick photo with my guy. Now I just have to get to see Hudson! This is the longest we've gone without a visit, but the guy is busy! He started his new job for a private jet company last week and had training in Ohio. He leaves this weekend for Orlando for almost three weeks for training. Then it's go time. He'll be flying all over the country over the next year.

The Ocho were missing each other, so we met up in Kenosha at Ron's Place for lunch. Unfortunately Chris was out of town so had to miss, but it was so great. 

Cole is in Rome! Zoe is studying there this semester, so he decided to spend his Spring Break abroad. Lucky guy. Originally, he had two connections (JFK and Amsterdam). But his flight from Chicago was so delayed, he was put on a flight that was direct from JFK to Rome. Plus, he got his own row, so slept most of the way. They have a cute airbnb with an incredible outdoor space. Zoe had exams, so he took the train and walked an hour to the house. Put his luggage in storage and wandered the city. He had an espresso and pasta, and a bottle of white wine waiting for Zoe when she got there. Oh my gosh, they are going to have such a great week. 

Blooming branches from Trader Joe's always means spring is around the corner. 

28 February 2025

Moments 02 25 :: Week 04

My mom was in town, a rare thing during the winter, so we met up at my sister's for lunch. It sure was was great getting together. 

Hudson sent this photo. He finally went up The Arch! I will never do that, but fun for him. He also had his last day as a flight instructor. Those eight months sure went by quick. Next step for him, private jet co-pilot. It's going to be a busy, exciting year for him. 

It snowed so much when we were in Japan. Just thought this was kind of funny. Van's little chicken peaking through.

Saw six deer on one of our walks this week. It always takes my breath away. 

26 February 2025

Japan :: Day 12 :: The Last Day

The last day. This trip was a dream, and truly was incredible. We had a few hours to kill after checkout, so walked through the temple and got lunch at Chinese restaurant before making our way to the airport, were we used our Suica cards up at the vending machines and got airport sushi. I figured we'd be home soon, so it was safe to risk it. It was delicious. Honestly, I'm sure it happens, but I've never heard of anyone getting food poisoning in Japan. They just take such great care of everything they do. Just look at the airport staff waving as our airplane departed. Anyhow, I still cannot believe all we experienced. Thank you, Brian, for all your planning and making this happen. And thank you, Japan, for your beautiful culture and people. I hope to see you again.
NOTE: The Suica card is a prepaid card that you can use for public transportation and many stores, like vending machines and 7-Elevens. It was so cool. Just download it to your iPhone wallet and add funds there. The other good tip I got from several people was to get Japan wifi. You order ahead, and pick it up at the airport. It was much cheaper, and probably more reliable, than using our phones internationally. Just drop it off in a post office box at the airport. Japan was full of smart things like that. 

Japan :: Day 11

It snowed all night. Too bad that didn’t happen while we were skiing. After breakfast at our hotel, we took a train to Nagano, then to Tokyo for our last night in Japan. I was so excited to continue our journey when we left Tokyo a few days earlier, but it felt really great being back. We stayed at Omo 3, in a completely different area with an amazing view of Senso-ji. We walked to Kappabashi Kitchen Street and picked up some goods. We could have gone crazy, but luckily showed some restraint. I was proud of us. So much good stuff. We quickly walked through the temple area, grabbed some warmer clothes, then headed back out. Dinner was at Gonpachi. It was perfect. Laid back, and little bit of everything - sushi, yakitori, udon. We probably should have enjoyed more of the sushi, but I was trying to be a little careful after our Porto experience the day before traveling. It was really good. My favorite thing ws a tuna hand roll we had. But it was all very good. Before calling it a night, we stopped at Bar Calluna. No menu. You just pick your liquor, and specify sweet, sour or bitter. From the beginning, when the bartender chops away a perfect ice piece from a block, it’s like watching a performance. I’ve never seen a cocktail made so beautifully. They were delicious too.