27 September 2024

Moments 09 24 :: Week 04

Our neighbors next door collect beautiful vintage cars. Last year they started, what I hope is a tradition, of having their car friends over for a pig roast. We had to miss it, but were able to stop by for a little bit this year. 

This was a Japanese Toyota Century limousine.  

I mean, they are all very cool and very dreamy.

This was my favorite. It even matches our house in the background. 

Luis looking pleased with his pig. Anne made black beans, Puerto Rican bean, rice, and plantains, which I could not get enough of either. It was delicious. 

We had to leave early to head down to Chicago to celebrate this wonderful person. 

And her amazing fiancee. Toby's parents threw a backyard engagement party. They asked Dejan to perform the processional. He may or may not (definitely may) have been tearing up here. 

Sent this one to Hudson. Yes, there is a story behind it. 

Meanwhile the The Lou, Hudson and roommates caught a mouse that has been terrorizing them. Love that they documented it. Goofs. 

Just a little birthday celebration at the gym this week for our friend Lauri.

Little Miss Gretel had to have two lumps removed from her eyelids. It was an all day affair, so I visited Nina and Papa. Christie joined us for breakfast too. Oddly, it was National Daughters Day. Too bad we didn't snap a photo. Gretel was pretty groggy most of the day, but by the next morning she was her sassy little self. Unfortunately, she does need to wear this cone for two weeks so she doesn't scratch her eyes. It looks like someone punched her, but overall she's looking pretty great. Oh, and check out Van. He seems to think he's the only one who deserves to have any toys, so has a careful watch on her and the tennis ball. Such a stinker. 

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