13 September 2024

Moments 09 24 :: Week 02

NCC Menís Soccer vs. Gustavus Adolphus
Cole got some pretty awesome photos taken during a recent game.

NCC Menís Soccer vs. Gustavus Adolphus
Who is this man? 

While we were in St. Louis last weekend, Cole and the team were in Michigan for two games. He sent this funny photo. Sorry Will. Haha. 

Have been coming across a family of turkeys on my walks. Look at the big/little baby!

Brian and I celebrated our 25th anniversary. Seriously, where does the time go? Had fun going through some of our old photos.

The wedding party.

I had "the sisters." My host-sister from Germany even flew in for it. So did my host parents. It was really special. 
Brian had the Racine boys in his wedding party. Love this photo.

Mel, Shelly and Therese also played a role in our wedding. Cuties. 

We were not able to celebrate on our actual wedding day since Brian had to teach, but went out for dinner the next night. I had gotten a gift card to 5 O'Clock Steakhouse, and thought it was a great treat to get to use it for our dinner. 

It's been years since we've been there. Hasn't changed a bit. 

We even finished the night with ice cream drinks. A grasshopper for Brian, and Brandy Alexander for me. 

Such a fun night. 

Annual tomato appreciation photo. We picked these up at the farmers market in St. Louis. Delicious. The only time of year I'll eat tomatoes. They are so gross out of season. 

So close to not needing our temporary kitchen set up. It's worked out well, but I cannot wait to have this space back. 

Took Van on a big walk. He even got to go into the water a little bit. He's much more timid with water than Gretel is, but loved it. 

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