29 August 2024

Moments 08 24 :: Week 05

Brian and I went out on a date on Friday.

Thai food and miniature golfing. It was a blast!

It was a close game until the end. I ended up winning by 1 point. Tough competition.

Saturday we had dinner at Andrew and Shelly's with the Leif and Mel. I didn't snap one single picture, but trust me, it was a blast. On Sunday, Brian and I went swimming. 

We have our choice of stellar beaches along Lake Michigan. Seriously, there are at least four all within 15 minutes. The water was gorgeous. Not sure why we don't do this more often. It felt amazing. 

In the blink of an eye, this little guy turned 20. That's right - no more teenagers in this house. Happy birthday to Cole. 

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