29 August 2024

Moments 08 24 :: Week 05

Brian and I went out on a date on Friday.

Thai food and miniature golfing. It was a blast!

It was a close game until the end. I ended up winning by 1 point. Tough competition.

Saturday we had dinner at Andrew and Shelly's with the Leif and Mel. I didn't snap one single picture, but trust me, it was a blast. On Sunday, Brian and I went swimming. 

We have our choice of stellar beaches along Lake Michigan. Seriously, there are at least four all within 15 minutes. The water was gorgeous. Not sure why we don't do this more often. It felt amazing. 

In the blink of an eye, this little guy turned 20. That's right - no more teenagers in this house. Happy birthday to Cole. 

23 August 2024

Moments 08 24 :: Week 04

We clean up pretty well. Exciting day attending Sadie + Calvin's wedding.

Me and our handsome groomsman. 

The bride and groom. 

Needless to say, we all had an absolute blast. It was such a fun wedding with very fun people. Such an honor to be invited.

We were all dragging a bit the next day. Decided to go to Barnacle Buds. I have no idea why we haven't gone before. Well, I do. It's a lot of fried food. But, it was really fun. Right on the river. 

Beautiful clouds on the way home. 

Thursday night we met up with Irma + Greg at Zócalo Food Truck Park for dinner. We didn't know but there was a flea market and Soul night, so some really great music. Didn't eat at this truck (I had Puerto Rican food, and Brian had a katsu sandwich), but liked the vibe. It was such a fun night. 

16 August 2024

Moments 08 24 :: Week 03

Brian and I decided to road trip to Sheboygan last Friday and have our favorite pizza at Il Ritrovo. Seriously, it's so good! 

After dinner we decided to walk around and stumbled upon a bunch of racing boats. 

No idea who these kids are, but you get a good idea of what these machines are all about. Turns out it was the Mercury Racing Midwest Challenge

On Saturday, we met up with the Lake Country German American Days gang. Annual family photo in front of the Live Glockenspiel. I love that my mom always dresses that part. 

The Pettit crew. We probably should have taken these pre-swimming in the lake. It wasn't the warmest day, but we can't resist jumping in.

Dinner at Poco Loco. Cole had a local celebrity spotting (who is also a member of the tennis club he works at) and had to get a photo. Funny picture. 

Meanwhile, Hudson and his roommate Sam were in Omaha, Nebraska for a fellow flight school friend's wedding. Can you even?

The kitchen renovation is coming along. All of our cabinets arrived on Monday and have been getting installed all week. A few more weeks, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

On Monday we took Cole out for his college send off dinner. His favorite food - crab legs at St. Paul Fish Market. 

Not the best last night photo, but it's what we had to work with. We seriously have stuff everywhere.  Gosh, I'm going to miss this guy!

His new dorm building. It's also the recreation center. The dorm rooms look out over the track and gym. He's pretty excited to get to just walk downstairs to work out. 

His new roommate, JP. He's a fellow soccer player from Peru. Cole's roommate from last year is just down the hall. We left their room in rough shape, but they don't get their lofts until today, so have stuff everywhere. 

Year two. Beyond proud of this kid. 

By the time we got back, Hudson was home! This definitely softened the blow of having Cole leave. Next week is going to be so quiet though. It always takes some time to get used to. Since Hudson is a working man now, we don't get to see him as much. We are definitely going to enjoy this weekend with him. Even if the reason he's home is because he's in a wedding! I mean, seriously? This time it's for Sadie and Calvin, who have been dating since sophomore year homecoming. Luckily I was able to sneak him out for a quick lunch. 

This guy does not seem to understand those blankets are to protect things, not a bed. 

09 August 2024

Moments 08 24 :: Week 02

Since we've been home from Mexico, it has been crazy hot (finally cooling down the past couple of days). We even pull out the cold plunge.

Spent an afternoon at Chenequa. The boys and Christie golfed. My mom, Zoe and I floated around the lake. Always look forward to a day like that each summer. 

While Cole was out of town with his friends, Brian and I hit up the Wisconsin State Fair. 

We went on a cold and rainy day thinking it might be less crowded. I'm not sure it mattered. 

Fried everything and the best people watching.

Of course we had to try some of the Sporkie winners. This Cool Ranch Dorito deep fried pickle was number one. And pretty good!

A scene from the taxidermy place. Gross.

We never go on the rides. Didn't even walk around the amusement area, unfortunately. 

My favorite part is the animals. 

The pigs were all getting exercise when we were there. Cuties. 

Usually it's just the boys and me who would go to the fair. Was a fun little date night. 

05 August 2024

Oaxaca :: Day 07

oaxaca-day07 oaxaca-day07-2
Sadly, time to go home. Our flight was delayed so we had a little extra time to wander the property, take in the beautiful flowers and greenery, and say goodbye to Buddy and his friends. I loved having those dogs around. They are the sweetest. Just look at this place! The complex we stayed at was absolutely perfect. Because of the delay, we didn't have much time in the Mexico City airport. To our surprise, Brian and I were upgraded again! Crazy. We got in super late, and you'd think it would be a breeze to get through customs. It was not. The lines were long and it took forever to get our luggage. We pulled into our driveway at 4am. Needless to say, Brian and I are still kind of recovering. But it was definitely worth it. We are so lucky to have gotten to experience this wonderful place with such incredible people. Here’s to The Ocho!