19 July 2024

Moments 07 24 :: Week 03

Hudson was in town and our kitchen is torn up, so we went out for pizza. Had to try the cheeseburger pizza. Don't knock it. It was pretty darn delicious. 

The van hasn't gotten much love this summer, so Brian and I decided to drive her to Madison to go to the Farmer's Market. Once a year, the farmer's market moves locations due to an art fair. We've made this mistake before, and did it again. It was moved inside Breese Stevens Soccer Stadium.

It was still pretty good though. Of course we had to pick up some cheese bread.

Bonus - we also walked the art fair, which very hot, but very impressive.

Just a cool random shot of a fabulous plant store.

We also went to one of our favorite restaurants there -- Ahan. So pretty and really good. 

Later the day, Cole and I went over to feed our buddy Lemmy. When it's time to go, it's hard to leave that guy. He just loves love. 

That night, Leif and Mel invited us over for dinner with Andrew + Shelly, Scott + Ali. We watched the Canada vs. Uruguay soccer game, and enjoyed a crazy good dinner. 

Mel's famous dumplings. Yum.

And this salmon! It was so refreshing and delicious. 

I went to Costco and found these chickens. Felt like the dogs needed them, and I was right. They love them. Van can be a little jerk with toys though, and kind of hoards them. 

This guy needs a vacation. Up bright and early to work on the house. He's been up late every single night this week working too. Lots going around over here. 

Spent the afternoon with these lovely ladies. Emma is in town visiting from New York. It's always amazing to see her. 

She got engaged recently, and I got invited to tag along today to do this. I can't stop smiling.

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