24 June 2024

The Lou Crew :: Day 01

We just had the most amazing weekend in St. Louis showing our friends around and celebrating Hudson's graduation from college. Years ago, Mel started the tradition of going on a trip to celebrate the girl's graduations from college. When Finn graduated, they celebrated by spending a weekend in Minneapolis, having him show the gang around town. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make it, but I loved the idea. Plus, St. Louis is just such a cool city, so we thought it would be fun to do the same. Hudson did a great job planning the itinerary. We saw so many of the different pockets that make the city so special. The first day was a lot of driving, then a visit to The Loop for some record store shopping and noodle eating. We were all pretty tired from our day of driving, so came back to the house to relax and catch up. We were just so happy to be there. 

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