Well, things did not go as planned our last day. I came home from our last night and ended up getting so sick. Total food poisoning. I was miserable, but didn't want to be left in Porto alone -- plus I was a bit delirious. I packed garbage bags in my pocket and a change of clothing in my carry-on. We were about to catch our Uber to the airport when Hudson cried out "Dad, I'm not feeling good" and started throwing up himself. Within minutes, Brian joined in. Cole took a couple hours to catch up to us, but he wasn't left out of the party. We thought of sending him home without us, but thank goodness we didn't. We are so lucky this didn't happen while we were on the airplane. We were also lucky our 3 bathroom apartment, which is normally fully booked, happened to be free so we could stay and extra day. What a lifesaver. I'm not sure any of us could have handled finding a hotel and moving. We were down for the count the entire day and violently ill. We were also able to switch our flight to the next morning for a million dollars. We'll see what we can do about that, but there is no way we could have gotten on that flight without them turning it around because of us. It was miserable. Since I was a few hours ahead of everyone in my food poisoning journey I ventured out for water and a pharmacy for pills early afternoon. Honestly, pharmacies abroad are so amazing. Very helpful, and always ask if you want medicine or a natural option. (We took the medicine - we had to get in an Uber at 2:30am the next day for our 5am flight -- but I appreciate the choice). Later, Brian snuck out for electrolytes, and Cole and I got acai bowls. I went out again with Hudson. As hard as it was to walk, especially on all the hills, it felt great to move a bit. The good news is, we did make our flight the next day, as well as survived the journey home. Since we ended up flying over Brian's birthday (aka, the lamest birthday ever), KLM wrote him a birthday card, offered him champagne (which he denied), and gave him cute chocolates that I'm sure are usually saved for 1st class, not someone sitting in the last row of the airplane. It was a miserable experience, but see? It's already making for a great story.
[NOTE: I know we are adventurous eaters, but no, I don't think it was the barnacles. I think we got unlucky at the fish restaurant in the market. I would not have changed it, but my takeaway is that I will be careful with what I eat the day before I'm supposed to travel.]
[ALSO: photo is of our apartment building. You can see how steep everything is since the photo is crooked. Our apartment was the top floor above the pink balconies.]