24 March 2023

Moments 03 23 :: Week 04

Friday was Brian's birthday, so we had our friends Aaron and Stephanie over to celebrate.

We had our traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner. Actually, I tried a new recipe this year, and it was fantastic. 

I also made a pistachio cake that was to die for. Wish I would have taken a better photo. Our friends Jennie and Brian also stopped by after their dinner reservations (it was that Brian's birthday the day before) to join us for dessert. Yum.

Meanwhile, Hudson and his crew made their way back to St. Louis. First, a stop in Atlanta for a day. One of the roommates, Sam, is from there. Sounds like they had a great day getting shown around. They even went to an Atlanta soccer game.

Van's favorite place to be when anyone is cooking.

A really good smoothie bowl breakfast for me (the guys ate corned beef and hash). Not something I usually eat, but this was delicious. 

If you know me at all, you know this just made my day. A bunch of little deer frolicking in a yard during our walk. The front one was a little adventurous, and actually started coming over to me and dogs. 

It's always National Puppy Day in our house. Just look at those two. The sweetest.

Quick photo as I was getting ready to go to sleep. Almost forgot to show off my new hair cut. After all, it won't look like this again. Yes, that is a Van Duke right next me. Such a snuggler.

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