Brian was on a motorcycle trip last weekend, so I made C and I some pancake cereal. So cute and tasted great too.
Taking over my workout mat as soon as I get up, per usual.
Best purchase ever was the disco ball that lies in the corner of the living room. A few magical moments every single sunny day.
New painting by Jean Smith. I thought the scuba lady was perfect during COVID times.
C had off of school today, so I bribed him into doing stuff with me by telling him he could drive everywhere. We didn't get on the highway, although it would have been much faster, but he did great. Racking those hours in finally.
I even got him to go apple picking with me.
Seriously, it was such a perfect day.
I feel like it's been a few years since we've gone. Maybe we only missed one, I don't know. Time has been weird the last few months. It's always been one of my favorite traditions since moving to Wisconsin.
C wouldn't pose by this, so I did. Inspired by a group of elderly women who said they should be measuring width instead of height. Ha!