20 March 2020

Moments 03 20 :: Week 03

Lots of trying to find joy around the house, since we are flattening the curve and staying inside. We did venture out to do our taxes on Saturday, and stopped for lunch on the way home. Felt good to be out, but quickly realized that would be our last hurrah for awhile. It felt weird to be out.

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Made a batch of elderberry syrup while wearing my socks, which were supposed to be for the upcoming election. They felt pretty appropriate now too.

The boys are on a remote learning schedule. Their school has been nothing short of amazing, and I'm so thankful. Our gym has also been doing home workouts, and starting next week, will be doing zoom classes. I participated in one today, and while it doesn't make up for seeing my gym people face to face, it was really fun. I'm sure my neighbors will get a kick out of my driveway workouts.

Coronavirus? Whatever. Happy to have our humans home.

Our first quarantine celebration also happened. Brian's 49th birthday! We had our traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage. We have bee watching our meet intake, so it tasted especially amazing.

Also cracked up the Irish Whiskey.

I also made a Guinness Chocolate Cake. It was gone by the next day.

Brought my workout inside one of the days. Within 5 minutes of setting up my space, this was the scene.

I still love a foggy day. Just keep thinking how lucky we are for so much space and getting to walk Gretel every day.

I hope our yard survives. I've also been really impressed with C's soccer club, who has been posting virtual training every day. They have been posting everyone's videos, but someone (C) refuses to have a video taken.

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