We got 15 yards of mulch delivered. Van loves it.
It feels so great getting out once in awhile again. We met a friend at a warehouse show, then decided to grab lunch at
Cafe Corazon. I even got talked into a lunch time margarita.
We also grabbed coffees. When they called out the drinks, they said Byron, which we found very funny for some reason.
Happy guy. The beginnings of a new fire pit and his dogs.
Made a delicious posole using Rancho Gordo dried hominy and their
Posole Rojo recipe. Definitely a winner.
Sunday was Mother's Day, and I got spoiled with my favorite breakfast - bagels & lox - in bed. They usually leave me alone to eat by myself, which I used to always feel so weird with. Maybe it's a year of togetherness, but it felt pretty amazing this year.
We took a quick trip to Racine to visit Grandma. Pam and Ian stopped by as well.
Then headed over to my sister's to celebrate Mother's Day, and....
my niece's graduation from college!
Maia is done with UW Madison, and heading to Marquette University Law this fall.
So much for the fun. On Monday, H got his wisdom teeth pulled. Yuck. I decided to get my second shingles vaccine while picking up his medicines. I usually don't get effected by vaccines, but I was completely laid out the next day! I can't remember the last time I was so sick. Not good timing. At least H had a refrigerator stocked with yummy soft foods.
Love how these two are always playing or snuggling. It's the cutest.
Finished another book. Wish I took more time out to read because I love it, and have so many books I want to read! I need to get on it.
Can't go the week without a couch snuggle photo. Van is officially 17 weeks, and weighs 31 pounds.
I've kind of been in a funk this week. Hate it when that happens. A class actually in-person at the gym, sunny skies, and gorgeous blooms definitely help. Yay, it's the weekend.