14 August 2020

Moments 08 20 :: Week 02

We caved. After another sweltering weekend, we bought something we've wanted to for awhile but haven't. 

A giant rubbermaid animal feeding container. The purpose is to use it for an ice bath. I'm not totally into that concept (even though I know there are some incredible benefits). But I don't mind hopping in on a hot day to cool off and call it our new swimming pool. 

Crazy Midwestern storms the other night brought this view looking East....

And at the same time, this view looking West. 

Our week started out with another remodeling project -- demoing the some of our ceilings. We'll be putting up drywall. What a mess. The electrician was supposed to come Wednesday, drywallers back Thursday. By mid- next week, we'd be finished. At 4pm the day before they were supposed to come, the electricians cancelled and said they couldn't "fit us in" until the 27th. No way. Luckily, we found a new company to come next week, but can you believe it? We have stuff all over the house and patio area. I cannot wait to get our house back.
The boys also got to visit Nina & Papa this week. Golf, dinner with the cousins, paddleboarding... They spent the night and had a great time. Glad they got to fit that in. 

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