08 May 2020

Moments 05 20 :: Week 02

We visited my mom & dad briefly on Saturday. It's so strange having them home and never getting to see each other. My mom is having a really hard time with the fact that we won't hug them. It was pretty amazing, because where we live, most everyone is wearing masks in stores, staying away from people, etc. Not out where they live! I kid you not, people were at the bars outside hanging out, we passed by a lemonade stand, and we drove by an outdoor store, and no one was wearing masks. It felt really strange to me. Anyhow, it was great to see them. Got to see their new house progress and even took the Sachs moped for a spin. The boys got a huge kick out of it for sure.

Can you believe I used to ride this thing to work when I didn't have a car available?

It was a gorgeous weekend. We all needed it, that's for sure.

Perfect way to end a great day.

Gretel and I have been going for some really great walks. How lucky are we to have this in our backyard?

Just a girl and her pillow log.

Found this amazing nest in our yard. Sadly, when I looked today, the eggs were gone. Stupid crows I'm sure.

Some pretty buds in our yard.

Our first year with a magnolia tree.

One of the best habits I've had over the past couple months is sleep. Pre-pandemic I would get 5.5-6.5 hours a night. I get at least 7 hours lately, which is my happy amount of sleep. Amazing what a difference it makes.

My old guy.

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