24 May 2019

Moments 05 19 :: Week 04

Back from a day of work. These two refereed three games together. H has really developed into an amazing ref. C was so excited to get a few more games under his belt.

Finding inspiration in nature. A robin egg just joined our box of treasures. Robin egg blue might be my favorite color ever. We had a nest on our porch, and hadn't seen the mama bird hanging around since we got back from our trips. Brian went to check on it, and we found an egg on the ground and another cracked one in the nest. I'm sure crows got to it.

C had soccer games Friday-Sunday this week, which included a pretty sweet victory against one of the top teams in their bracket.

Sunday night dinner crew. Can tell we are related?

May 20th was National Rescue Dog day, so of course I couldn't go without saying how great we all think our guy, Storm, is. We adopted Storm when he was 10 months old. We were his third home. Can you even imagine? Thank you to the parent who didn’t want to the responsibility when their son went to college, or the other one who returned our guy after three days when they decided their young daughter wasn’t helping out enough. (All true stories.) The boys were 2 and 5 when Storm came home with us. We went to an art fair and came home with a dog. Seriously, I can’t even make that stuff up! Besides art and an amazing bench I still think about, the shelter happened to be there. 12 years later, I still can’t figure it out why anyone would give him up. I guess it was just meant to be because we all adore him.

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