01 February 2019

Moments 02 19 :: Week 01

It was Parent Night at H's Friday night swim meet. Swimming has been such a great sport for him, and he's come such a long way. It's so much fun to see.

I'm a little obsessed with Storm lately. This is always how he sits, by the way. With his little rump roast elevated. He's the cutest.

Meanwhile, Brian was in Japan for work, and was lucky enough to extend his trip by a couple day to take advantage of Japan's amazing skiing.

See what I mean? He's so sweet.

On Sunday, C and I were back in Rockford for the second weekend in a row. His ODP team played against ODP Illinois and ODP Missouri. So much fun. The other three teams scrimmaged in Kenosha, and his team didn't have any subs. Needless to say, he was absolutely exhausted.

Brian came home Sunday night, and Monday was another snow day! At least one of us loves all the snow we've been getting! The boys were off of school anyhow, but H and Brian were supposed to go on a college visit that sadly got canceled. I was pretty happy to have them all around though. H is always such a huge help.

Then came Wednesday and Thursday. Pretty much the entire city was closed. Schools, Brian worked from home, the gym closed and even grocery stores closed. It was -50 degree windchill. Crazy! Was very thankful to be nice and cozy, that's for sure. Even if I didn't anticipate needing to fight for a space during my at-home workout session.

Snuggling up. These two are the best at it.

I even got my guys to do a charcoal mask. We got a good laugh out of it, but honestly, men should be taking care of their skin and masking too.

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