12 August 2016

Last Week in Moments

Last weekend, the Bavarian Soccer Club hosted the USASA National Championships. The boys signed up a few weeks ago to be ball boys at the final game. Fortunately, the Bavarians Major team made it! Sadly, they lost. But we all had a blast cheering them on. C also participated in a 3v3 tournament with some of his new teammates. Brian and H were his team's coaches. They all had a blast.

I haven't been making it to the gym as much over the summer, but had a pretty good week. I even PRed my deadlift. 245#. Yep, I lifted this!

Our garden is going tomato crazy. There is still one variety left to fully ripen, but check these out! The purple heirlooms are my favorite.
Despite the lack of photos this week, it was an incredibly busy one! H was in a pre-season high school soccer camp for three hours every day. I showed up with C the first day. (We were on our way to buy him a new soccer ball since his club training started this week.) The Director of Coaching at their soccer club puts this camp on, and as soon as he saw him, he asked C if he wanted to be his assistant for the week. So every day that I dropped H off, I dropped C off too. He rode around in a golf cart with the DOC, passed out water to the coaches and filled up the big jugs for the players. It's amazing what an 11-year old will do for Powerade and a new Chelsea jersey. He loved every bit of it. What a cool experience. H had a great time at camp too. Historically, camps are not his thing. Most of the time though, he had a blast at this one. There were a couple rough moments (there were only 4 freshman there) but overall, he did great. He even had C's club coach one of the days, who confirmed he played really well. And H agreed it was a great way to start the season. Tryouts are next week! Crazy. I'm super proud of him.

Brian has also been traveling this week. Three flights in three days, all before 7am. Milwaukee --> Baltimore --> Dallas --> Milwaukee. I have a feeling he'll be happy to be home tomorrow morning. C was supposed to have tennis today, but it rained non-stop. It worked out though, since we still got to see my mom, and C got to fulfill his water boy duties at the camp this way. He also had the second round soccer ID camp for the Wisconsin Fire tonight. He felt he played well but not as well as the first time, so he's hoping they base it on that one yet too. We'll see! He feels pretty lucky to have been asked to be there in the first place. See? It was a big week. But a good one.

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