29 June 2008

Back in Wisconsin

It was another fun weekend in Wisconsin. Storm, Brian and I drove up to retrieve H & C. But while were were there, my mom, H, C and I also got to visit Irma and her gorgeous new baby. Yes, he's looking at me like I'm nuts (below), but that's because I had to wake him up in order to get my baby time in. Seriously, he's so sweet.

While we were there, Brian golfed the 7th Annual Player Invitational. It's an event started in memory of Jeff Schwebel, and benefits the One Step at a Time Camp which is a camp for children with cancer. H, C and I met up with him later in the evening. It's always a really nice time, where we get to see friends and celebrate friends while benefiting a great cause. Each year one of the campers speaks, and it's always so inspirational.

The last stop was Racine for Pam's graduation party at Uncorkt. But before the party, we went to North Beach. Brian swam in the frigid waters (in a wet suit), while H & C ate coconut paletas, played in the sand and the playground. We had ourselves two sticky and sandy boys, but it was so much fun. The party was a blast too. What a fun weekend.

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