11 October 2024

Moments 10 24 :: Week 02

We meet up with Leif + Mel at Room Service. Had been looking forward to this for awhile and it did not disappoint.

How gorgeous are these royal flower dumplings? The filling was sweet-salty radish and peanut. It was surprising and amazing.

This is the Samurai Signature hand rolls. 

Overview of our table. We also had a few other dishes. It was such a fun place. Delicious food. Amazing presentation. 

On Saturday, the Cardinals played Kalamazoo College, and Cole got to play against old soccer friend from Bavarian, Darius. 

After the game, we celebrated Pam + Matt's birthdays at Third Street Market Hall along with Mackenzie, Patryk, Ian, Claudia, Leif and Mel. Such a fun and funny night. The place was packed! So great to see.

I have a million photos of this view, but I love it so much.

Little lady got to take her cone off on Wednesday. She's doing great and her eyes are looking really good. Pathology report came back benign (non-cancerous) too, which was expected but a relief of course. 

04 October 2024

Moments 10 24 :: Week 01

Brian's sense of humor. I find it pretty funny too. Thanks for the catalog Evereve. 

We made it Oktoberfest again this year. My gosh, we used to spend every weekend here. Such fun memories.

Love the signage they have. 

Another good one. This is actually what I had to eat, and it was delicious.

We were there with my CrossFit friends. The Feigling shots were a hit too. I'm not sure anyone else knew what they were, but everyone who tried them thought they were delicious. Brings Brian and I back to our our Delmonhorst street festival days when we visited friends there. 

Saturday night the NCC Cardinals played at Carroll University in Waukesha. It's always fun for him when he has a little cheering section.

Cole and his roommate JP with the gang. The game ended in a draw, but Cole (and JP) played a great game. Unfortunately, Cole got taken out and landed on his back so had to come out in the 72nd minute. He was pretty laid up the next couple of days.


Cole got to spend less than 24 hours at home afterwards before Brian and I drove him back to Naperville. We just hung out eating snacks late night after the game, watched some English Premiere League soccer the next morning, went to the Farmer's Market -- and did a lot of this. Fall is a busy time of year for him with soccer and school. The kid is exhausted. Loved having him home for a few hours. 

Van Duke soaking up some rays. He found the one little spot the sun was pouring in. 

27 September 2024

Moments 09 24 :: Week 04

Our neighbors next door collect beautiful vintage cars. Last year they started, what I hope is a tradition, of having their car friends over for a pig roast. We had to miss it, but were able to stop by for a little bit this year. 

This was a Japanese Toyota Century limousine.  

I mean, they are all very cool and very dreamy.

This was my favorite. It even matches our house in the background. 

Luis looking pleased with his pig. Anne made black beans, Puerto Rican bean, rice, and plantains, which I could not get enough of either. It was delicious. 

We had to leave early to head down to Chicago to celebrate this wonderful person. 

And her amazing fiancee. Toby's parents threw a backyard engagement party. They asked Dejan to perform the processional. He may or may not (definitely may) have been tearing up here. 

Sent this one to Hudson. Yes, there is a story behind it. 

Meanwhile the The Lou, Hudson and roommates caught a mouse that has been terrorizing them. Love that they documented it. Goofs. 

Just a little birthday celebration at the gym this week for our friend Lauri.

Little Miss Gretel had to have two lumps removed from her eyelids. It was an all day affair, so I visited Nina and Papa. Christie joined us for breakfast too. Oddly, it was National Daughters Day. Too bad we didn't snap a photo. Gretel was pretty groggy most of the day, but by the next morning she was her sassy little self. Unfortunately, she does need to wear this cone for two weeks so she doesn't scratch her eyes. It looks like someone punched her, but overall she's looking pretty great. Oh, and check out Van. He seems to think he's the only one who deserves to have any toys, so has a careful watch on her and the tennis ball. Such a stinker. 

20 September 2024

Moments 09 24 :: Week 03

On Friday, Cole and the NCC Cardinals played at MSOE in Milwaukee! Cole's been wanting to play on this field since he was a little kid, and he finally got to. It was a beautiful night, and a pretty cool setting too. Cole said the field sucked though. 

He even had a little cheering section. Loved having these guys there.

It's been warm and humid still. Perfect conditions for Brian and I to get another dip in Lake Michigan. It's absolutely stunning when you are out there. We are so lucky.

On Sunday I went to Cole's soccer game vs. Benedictine. It was a bummer of a game for many reasons, so when I suggested dinner before I headed up, Cole was all about it. Honestly, I cannot remember the last time we've gotten to do something, just the two of us. I think we both enjoyed it. I know I sure did. It made me so happy. 

Kitchen is so close! Still waiting on a couple more things, then it will be time for the big reveal. We laid down the rug and these two immediately took over. Along with their gross stuffed chickens.

Crazy moon this week. 

These stuffed chickens have seen better days, that's for sure. But look how cute this guy is!

13 September 2024

Moments 09 24 :: Week 02

NCC Menís Soccer vs. Gustavus Adolphus
Cole got some pretty awesome photos taken during a recent game.

NCC Menís Soccer vs. Gustavus Adolphus
Who is this man? 

While we were in St. Louis last weekend, Cole and the team were in Michigan for two games. He sent this funny photo. Sorry Will. Haha. 

Have been coming across a family of turkeys on my walks. Look at the big/little baby!

Brian and I celebrated our 25th anniversary. Seriously, where does the time go? Had fun going through some of our old photos.

The wedding party.

I had "the sisters." My host-sister from Germany even flew in for it. So did my host parents. It was really special. 
Brian had the Racine boys in his wedding party. Love this photo.

Mel, Shelly and Therese also played a role in our wedding. Cuties. 

We were not able to celebrate on our actual wedding day since Brian had to teach, but went out for dinner the next night. I had gotten a gift card to 5 O'Clock Steakhouse, and thought it was a great treat to get to use it for our dinner. 

It's been years since we've been there. Hasn't changed a bit. 

We even finished the night with ice cream drinks. A grasshopper for Brian, and Brandy Alexander for me. 

Such a fun night. 

Annual tomato appreciation photo. We picked these up at the farmers market in St. Louis. Delicious. The only time of year I'll eat tomatoes. They are so gross out of season. 

So close to not needing our temporary kitchen set up. It's worked out well, but I cannot wait to have this space back. 

Took Van on a big walk. He even got to go into the water a little bit. He's much more timid with water than Gretel is, but loved it.