Gretel is such a sweet bean in her older years. Love this little girl.
Sometimes, I look up and still am in awe that we live in this house. It's something special. And our new kitchen has made so much of a difference. It's gorgeous.
Took Cole and Zoe out for a fish fry last week. It's been so much fun hanging out with these two over break.
Swinging Door is just so good. I had the cod/perch/shrimp and carrots. Yum yum.
Bright and early on Saturday, Brian and Cole met the Bayview "workout crew" to dismantle the Polar Bear Plunge torii gate.
Cole wasn't very happy about it, but ended up getting a total kick out of the situation.
Especially when a caravan of cars and trucks arrived to our house to deliver it. The plan is, there will be a torii raising come spring. Still not sure where it's going exactly, but knowing this group of men, they will figure it out.
Witnessed a murder of a stuffed animal. Van will nibble toys and carry them around, but Gretel just mutilates them. She's ruthless.
Finished our good luck pork and sauerkraut, and moved on to black-eyed peas.
This is with coconut milk and berbere. Using our Super Lucky 2025 Black Eyed Peas from Rancho Gordo. It was absolutely delicious.
Sunday we took Cole back to school. That sure went by quick, and I felt pretty sad on Monday about the boys having come and gone already. Them leaving does get easier, but there's still always a few days where it stings a bit. Before we left, we took him out for an Italian dinner. On the way back, we were staying on top of the NCAA DIII Football National Championships. NCC made it, and won! Kind of a big deal and very exciting.
The village flooded the ice rink again this year. It's been awhile since they have been able to do that. It was still freezing when I took this photo, but is going to be in full swing this weekend. So fun. Maybe Brian and I will need to head over. He's just getting back from Las Vegas tonight. I've had a week to myself, and if you know me at all, you know how much I've enjoyed that. I'm looking forward to getting him back, but I also crave alone time so it's nice once in awhile. He works from home, so that doesn't happen often. I'm feeling refreshed.
Cole got a new pet. Hopefully his new larger fish bowl arrived by now, because this poor goldfish is enormous.