Pretty little vases from Yvonne. Brian hates my clutter on the window ledge, but I like looking at my little trinkets there.
On Saturday, I went to my parent's for an early Father's Day visit.
Van Duke came too! He did great at their house and with the dogs. He did get car sick on the way out though. That's a new thing he does. Not good.
C was in Indiana this weekend playing on the Wisconsin ODP State team! He's been in the practice pool for three years now. Originally, he was an alternate, but the week before, a spot opened up and they contacted him. Brian cancelled his annual motorcycle trip to take him. The team came out 1-1-1, and he had such a great time. So glad he got this experience - it ends at U17!
Some of his friends. From his team, and from others.
The day Brian and C came home, it was Father's Day! Since Brian was gone in the morning, and has been talking about breakfast for dinner for awhile, we made Chicken & Waffles.
And we had a Strawberries & Cream cake for dessert. I've been watching a lot of The Great British Baking Show lately, and was inspired to make this sponge cake. It was great!
The boys all went to St. Louis to tour SLU. H is considering transferring there so it was really his visit. However, C is college tour age, so we encouraged him to go with. I'll count this as his first official college tour! Brian & he even checked out the amazing soccer facilities there.
Meanwhile, I was home with these two. Such cuties.