Last weekend was graduation weekend finally! Pretty much all the schools around us were figuring out a way to do an in-person ceremony.
I get it, but we were a little disappointed to find out last week that Nicolet's was going to be a drive-through ceremony.
H was not excited, but we decorated the car and showed up. And you know what? It was a lot better than he though it would be.
He got to see some of his friends, the cars from the highway were honking, the cars were decorated.... It doesn't replace seeing your friends one last time, but it was kind of fun.
We are so proud of this guy. As scary as it all is, it's definitely time to get this part past him and move on. (But I'm sure going to miss him. He's one of my favorite people ever, and it's not going to be the same without him around).
After graduation, we had a small family gathering. We would have loved a big party, of course, but it was great getting to see family. Christie & Jacob.
Ian (who graduated from college), Pam & Matt. Mackenzie stopped by for a bit too.
Nina & Papa.
This was slightly terrifying! H took his brother up in the airplane the other day.
I was nominated by Emma to post a black & white photo of myself showing support and strength among women.
C got to spend the day on Elkhart Lake with his friend. So much fun.
When you neighbors are the music director of the Milwaukee Symphony (and head conductor at the Chicago Symphony) and a pianist and Artistic Director for Chelsea Music Festival, you get an amazing evening of mask wearing, socially distanced music from the porch. What a special night.